Floating LIDAR
Using atmospheric and oceanographic measurement capabilities, the Eolos Floating LIDAR
buoy can capture data, such as wind speed and direction at multiple heights using wind profiling
LIDAR, air and sea surface temperatures, ocean current speeds and directions, and wave
heights and directions, Also with the futuristic Machine learning algorithm, Eolos Floating
LIDAR’s has the ability to measure turbulence intensity.
Amid the global trend towards offshore initiatives, we are honored to be the authorized partner
and representative of Eolos in Japan.
Our mission is the strategical coordination of Eolos floating Lidar campaigns across Japan,
encompassing various elements such comprehensive campaign planning, complete set of
import and export operations, necessary permits, Both land and sea transportation to the
validation and primary campaign sites, validation and main campaign.
We possess the capability to provide essential maintenance, streamlined management, and
logistical support, guaranteeing the success of every observation campaign.